
General AMSOIL News, Tech Talk, Tuesday Tech Tips, Video Post

Essential Lawnmower Winterization Tips Revealed

 January 21, 2025

By  Greg Vaughn

Publisher's Note: Welcome to our 47th edition of Tech Tips Tuesday on "Essential Lawnmower Winterization Tips Revealed".  We'll be re-publishing an edition of AMSOIL Tech Tips for you every Tuesday.  Click on the Blog Category "Tuesday Tech Tips" to see everything published to-date.

Essential Lawnmower Winterization Tips Revealed

Len Groom: Welcome to Tech Tips. I'm Len Groom, Technical Product Manager for Powersports. A lot of people ask me, "What do I need to do to put my lawnmower in storage?" Well, here are a few tips that will help ensure that your lawnmower will start up when you get it out of the shed in the spring.

The first, and probably the most important thing to do, would be to change the oil. Contaminants can build up from combustion, use, dust, and dirt in the environment, and they can end up in the oil. So it's always good to put the mower in storage with fresh oil in it. Changing the oil isn't that tough.

Here's how you do it. The first thing you need to do is drain the oil out. So, you want to locate the plug which is underneath, remove it, and drain the oil into a pan. You want to add the appropriate amount of oil until the dipstick registers full. I recommend AMSOIL's Formula 4-Stroke Small Engine Oil in 10W-30 for this application.

Next, you want to treat the fuel. No matter what type of fuel you're using, you always want to treat it. AMSOIL has two different options. The first one would be AMSOIL's Gasoline Stabilizer. This one is designed for long-term storage. This will help fight all forms of fuel deterioration, from corrosion to varnish to any type of buildup. This is for long-term.

The second option would be AMSOIL's Quickshot. This is designed to be used over the course of the summer. This will also help fight corrosion. It will help fight any type of deterioration. But this product also helps with any of the issues that are associated with ethanol. So, one way or the other, make sure you're treating your fuel.

Next, let's take a look at the air filter. It's often overlooked. It's usually pretty easy to get to. So you want to take the cover off, inspect it, clean it if you can. But, if it's too dirty, replace it. So there you have it. Just a few simple things that you can do to ensure that your mower comes out of storage ready to run. One thing we should note: If you ever have a question on quantity or any of these procedures, the first thing you should do is consult your owner's manual.

One last thing: Some of these new lawnmowers, specifically the push mowers, don't have a drain plug. So, you need to look in your owner's manual for the procedure. Most of the time, it's going to want you to drain the oil out through the filler neck. Thanks for watching. We'll see you next time.

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Greg Vaughn
Referral # 779
Vaughn Enterprises, Inc.
AMSOIL Direct Jobber
Office: 920-733-2753
Toll Free: 800-581-5823
Fax: 920-734-5823

Author: Greg Vaughn, President & CEO

Family Dealership established 1974
Vietnam War Veteran
Helicopter Mechanic, Military & Civilian
Civil Service, 1982- 2003


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